More than 30 years developing tailored solutions

We’re qualified as: A very reliable strategic ally.

Taking into account the country’s strategic sectors, such as solidary, industrial, financial, commercial, miner, energetic, health, building, gobernment and transport, we’ve structured tailored solutions to each one of them according to their business models, achieving an articulation between their goals and the document management activities.

Fondos de Pensiones y Cesantías

Strategic alliance

During 2011 we’ve consolidate ourselves as strategic allies of one of the pensions and severance most renown and powerful companies, starting not only by precisely understanding the sector’s needs, but also its clients and the present needs. Thereby we can create a tailored solution based on the company’s activities around document management.

After 6 months the results were clear, we managed to virtualize the CORE documents, critic processes and the online access to the information stored in the cloud by more than 500 recurrent users in real time.

Paperless offices are now a reality.

In this case of success we’ve generated savings around the 40% to our client compared to the traditional processes managed before our intervention.

Save the 40% of
your expenses

in 6 months

Insurance companies

Our profesionals develop the strongest process of virtualization

A partir del conocimiento de una operación compleja y creciente, las áreas administrativas, de operaciones y tecnología de la 3a compañía más grande del país en Seguros de diferentes ramos confiaron en nosotros, y desarrollamos el proceso más robusto de virtualización de información crítica, a través del software de gestión documental MABS.
En consecuencia todas las oficinas a nivel nacional transfirieron el 100% de los documentos físicos y adoptaron un proceso virtual generando ahorros superiores al 30% de su proceso anterior. Hoy toda la operación se gestiona desde la nube y se actualiza permanentemente, creando una ventaja competitiva y eficiente, en el sector de seguros.


30% of savings on

Health and beauty

Success is based on trust and permanent accomainment

By combining the best practices in security, service and efficiency, we’ve managed to make this project become a case of success among the health, cosmetology and beauty. We’ve also achieved to combine all our skills in the construction of a Document Management System in the cloud which, progressively, has incorporated areas and CORE processes.

The newly implemented platform has opened the doors of an opporunitty and quality culture based on the information needed to take the right decitions.

Today our client has reduced the 95% of its response time, making the Document Management System one of its more outstanding competitive adventages.


95% redction
of response time

Government sector

Turning complex processes into dynamic processes

We’ve been creating many cases of success along the way for decades, transforming manual and complex processes into dynamic and tailored processes based on the demands of the Archivo General de la Nación (Nation’s General Archive) and the different Superintendencies, among many other mandatory Colombian rules and laws.

We’ve developed coachings, trainings and workshops for more than 300 areas among the same entity. We can advice and accompain our clients until we find the maximum efficiency and quality in the results.



Retail sector

We’re professionals ready to generate immediate solutions

Nuestros profesionales están especialmente cualificados para solucionar los problemas de la gestión de archivos, custodia y enfáticamente la protección.
El bodegaje de archivos físicos, genera un aprovechamiento al máximo de los espacios de su empresa y contribuye a reducir exponencialmente los costos, la tercerización de procesos de administración tales como la gestión de archivos logra unos óptimos resultados en las empresas de este sector.


Take the maximum
adventage of your
office’s space

The trust us