Documents custody
Documents custody and its impact on the company’s evolution
Documents custody is a service which allows different companies to increase their levels on security, document conservation and information in general, through strategic categorizations and information prioritation.
What is Document Custody?
It is an analizis, categorization, location and protection process, which can be applied to physical and electronic documents.
When a company uses the Document Custody, its control and information management are considerably increased, which optimizes tasks and automates processes of documental importance.
What can a company do with a proper document custody?
Among the company’s tasks there’s management, location and the checking of information.
This is the reason why, sometimes, the staff spend more time and resources in the execution of the aforementioned task, which slows down certain processes. Therefore, when a company aqquires the documents custody services, it will be able to:
1. Offer more security and confidence:
The custody process is focused on the improvement of important aspects related to information’s use and setup. The base of this service, accordingly, is to guarantee the security and preservation of every physical or electronic document.
Order and preservation as security warranty
2. Simplify audit processes:
In order to increase the quality control score and to lead the company to a continuous improvement, every single company must undergo an internal and external audits.A well performed document custody allows a better management, because the client will get control over the whole information organized by its importante and its kind.
Also, based on the opportunity to access the content’s matrix by a specialized software, it’s possible to know the document’s properties and location.
Easier ways to identify your documents. More control over its audit.
3. Make faster and more efficient administrative processes:
Computarized audits, codification by kind, strategic organization, categorization by priorities and outdated information depuration. All this contributes to the consolidation of more efficient processes and tasks with better results.
Documents order and categorization go hand in hand with the efficiency and evolution.
What’s done along the documents custody process?
There are many checkpoints along the process, which allow to keep clear strategies in order to obtain documental achievements. Among the most relevant checkpoints there’s:
- Storage and management.
- Labeling by codes and references.
- Preservation and security conditions.
- Optimum infrastructure and interface to warrant the access.
This allows to identify:
- Document’s conditions.
- Preservation times.
- Final disposition.
Ventajas de la custodia de documentos:
El manejo adecuado de la información genera beneficios que se ven al instante en cada empresa.
Los más destacables son:
- Eliminación de costos de ubicación recuperación y re archivo
- Reducción de espacio de almacenamiento.
- Mayor seguridad.
- Optimización de tiempos y recursos.
- Control del crecimiento de la documentación.
- Reducción del uso de papelería (generando un impacto económico y ambiental positivo).
Physical custody
what is physical custody?
Physical Custody is a process in which actions and methodologies are applied to safeguard a company’s documentation. This process allows the information to remain ordered, regulated and controlled.According to Colombian law’s requirements, for the company’s fulfillment is mandatory to execute a physical custody process. Whence companies are free to perform it by autonomous means or with the guidance of an expert on documental management.The physical custody’s goal is to preserve the documentation and to ensure its security. All is regulated and monitored according to the policies stablished for this process. Also, it has to be taken into account that this process offers a documental management since the reception until the identification and its storage.Thanks to the physical custody the archives can overcome the passing of time and, also, helps the company to depurate obsolete documentation, controlling the excessive growth of itself.
Magnetic custody
What is Magnetic Custody?
It is the way that stored information by means of magnetic waves in its interior is trated, stored and secured. The magnetic devices contain important and delicate information which must be guarded inside of security vaults to avoid any external affectation that can cause the lost of their content.
This document custody can help a company to ensure that all its documents saved in magnetic devices are safeguarded in an organized way and, also, in optimum conditions so its usefulness can transcend in time.
ATS’s magnetic devices custody is accomplished under the demanded standards, applying tools and mechanisms that allows the restoration of information (backups), which are treated as document of vital importance.
What is the Custody of Valuable Documents?
This kind of Document Custody is very special, because it’s encharged of manage, store and protect the company’s valuable documents, especially for its confidentiality level. Among the valuable documents it is possible to find: promissory notes, orders, guarantees, patents and, in general, the client’s private documents.
The custody of valuable documents are focused on those document of highly commercial, informative or transactional value, because this kind of documents regularly support and ensure the fulfillment of any important agreement for the company.
In ATS we have excellent physical infrastructure with security vaults, controlled biometric access, audio recordings and constant video recording. Also, every vault has its own security mechanisms to ensure the valuable document’s life and also the security of the vital information for our clients.
This way we ensure:
- Appointed and limited access to the documents.
- Information protection.
- Security for the document’s processing, consultation and management.
- Interity during the information’s use and treatment.