Document Management
Document management is a group of processes focused on checking, store and restore all the company’s important documents and information. This is accomplished by the use of technical standards known for their practicality at the moment of manageing electronic and physical document.
La importancia de la gestión documental
Es por ello que su correcta aplicación lleva a la empresa a mejorar y a optimizar considerablemente todo lo concerniente al manejo de información de valor, lo que ahorra tiempo, espacio y dinero.
Queremos que conozcas cómo funciona la gestión documental, su importancia y las ventajas que puede representar para ti y para tu empresa.
Así que toma nota y lleva a tu empresa a la mejora continua.
What is document management?
Document management is a group of technical standards and practices which look for a company’s right information management of information. This can be achieved by checking, analizing and storing physical and electronic documentation, in order to aid the company optimizing its processes and saving time, space and important expenses.
The application of documental management by specialized methodologies can improve the documents and information’s administrative processes, keeping in optimum ways its order and hierarchy, working to improve all processes, programs and systems. Therefore, it can be said that:
Document management’s core is to find, store, create and provide the
documents in stadarized and delimited ways.
Document management’s contibution to the company’s processes:
The document optimization guarantees their correct conservation, so the management strategies application helps to carry out the custody of document, the technical elimination and the storage and retrieval of them.
With document management you’ll get:
- Information checkings.
- Savings and efficiency.
- Document categorization.
- Obsolete documents elimination.
- Ordered storage.
- Documents custody.
It allows the company to manage everything related to its document in an efficient way, providing considerable help in the execution and review of everything that is qualified as important for the company.
This means:
- Improve the information management.
- Automate processes.
- Reduce costs, time and space.
¿Cómo se lleva a cabo?
Los equipos y el personal especializado llevan a cabo una revisión constante y detallada de los documentos por medio de sistemas basados en normas que permiten el orden jerárquico. Este orden puede ser ascendente o descendente, lo que le permite al usuario reconocer, definir y buscar la información necesaria dentro de la estructura pilar. Hay que tener en cuenta que esto coadyuva a la consolidación de la eficacia y la eficiencia.
Lo anterior se hace por medio de la aplicación de administradores de archivos. Estos son softwares que administran y proveen información de vitalidad al usuario casi que de inmediato. Su interfaz es un puente entre las bases de datos y quienes desean buscar, crear o editar información.
El administrador de archivos permite:
• Gestionar archivos.
• Manipular bases de datos.
• Revisar estructuras de documentación.
• Acceder rápidamente a documentos.
Hay que tener presente que los procesos que se llevan a cabo dependen de la cantidad de archivos que están a disposición y del valor que representa para la empresa.
De esta manera se logra la clasificación estandarizada.
Es de esta manera que la gestión documental no solo les aporta orden a los archivos, también proveen de información detallada de su prioridad y de su aporte para la empresa. Por lo tanto, podemos decir lo que los pasos centrales de la gestión documental se resumen en:
- Revisión.
- Análisis.
- Categorización.
- Aplicación de estrategias.
- Establecimiento de matrices.
Para que esto se ejecute de la manera correcta, se debe tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:
Revisión de la utilidad de los documentos:
Por medio de este paso se establece una priorización de manejo y destino documental, con el fin de que no se acumule información que a la larga termine siendo obsoleta o que pierda usabilidad.
Digitalización de los documentos importantes:
Actualizar los formatos de los documentos ayuda en varios aspectos: liberación de espacio, trato adecuado de la información y una gestión eficiente, aumento de la productividad de la empresa y lo más importante, la conservación de los documentos a través del tiempo.
Centralización del contenido:
La adquisición de repositorios adecuados para los documentos físicos contribuye a la unificación del proceso de gestión y coadyuva a la revisión confiable de los documentos. Es decir, el usuario puede regular el tratamiento de la información, teniendo así, un control absoluto de los movimientos que se lleven a cabo.
Clasificación de los documentos:
Como ya se ha mencionado, el orden y la jerarquía de los documentos es el centro de la gestión. De este modo, se logra mejorar los tiempos de destino documental, lo que lleva a que se ahorre tiempo en temas de búsqueda, administración y manejo. Además, otra de las funciones que permite este punto, es el entendimiento y reconocimiento de la estructura organizacional y de los procesos que se ejecutan en la empresa.
Reconocimiento y organización en pro del desarrollo empresarial.
Uso de metadatos:
Determina la optimización de la gestión documental, ya que su funcionabilidad se centra en la descripción de los documentos, su contexto y su uso. Se puede resumir en: la administración más allá de la información, lo que permite la estandarización de los archivos.
Sin el uso de este tipo de herramientas no se podría lograr la agilidad de búsqueda o de funciones archivísticas.
What benefits does it represent to the company?
As seen before, the document management process allows to manage correctly all the electronic and physical document. This can be seen on the processes optimization and, also, in many important aspects about continuous improvement, such as:
1.Expenses reduction:
Document management reduces costs by 43%, thanks to the correct categorization of the document and the automation of manual tasks.
2.Increase in effectiveness:
The processes’s automation leads to an easy administration, migration and conversion of databases. Saving time in the search or retrieval of documents. Not only does it offer full access to information, but it also allows optimal regulation.
3.Increase in efficiency:
When documents are well preserved, it helps to centralize, standardize and share information quickly and in more detail. This contributes to the queriements that are generated to reach optimum levels of savings.
4.Efficient esources use:
With the document management system application, the costs of copying, using paper, photocopying, printing and, also, other related elements are reduced by 50%.
Learning to manage, locate and preserve documents, maximizes the economic viability of the company and minimizes its environmental impact.
5.To free space:
Smart management leads to achieving efficiency standards. One of them is the optimization of equipment and its capacity. This translates to less space used to archive documents, since not everything must be stored and not all is stored the same.
6.Easy loctaion:
File managers make possible to correctly categorize documents in a hierarchical manner. This structure is helpfull to get an efficient and prompt search of information.
7.Files administration:
Proper administration allows users to create, archive or modify existing files, as well as review their properties.
Processes automations helps the user to quickly send and share information or files. In addition, the use of metadata and administration software can contribute to a better online access that intensifies the consolidation of collaborative work.
9. Information security:
The information’s security contributes to its control and to its constant monitoring regarding the file’s modifications or creations.
10. Preservation through time:
Documents digitalization helps them to be in better conditions and let them cope with the passage of time, but this is not exclusive of electronic documents, because it is also cab be carried out with physical files.
Therefore, document administration and management can provide you and your company the opportunity to establish automation and optimization processes that contribute to the continuous and centralized improvement of the management of information and important files.
DAC Administration
¿Qué es la administración CAD?
Administración CAD, o Centros de Atención Documental, en ellos se delegan todos los procesos y responsabilidades referentes a la gestión, archivo, administración y custodia de los documentos de importancia de una empresa.
Todo el proceso de manejo y administración de los documentos realizados en los CAD, se hacen por medio de un equipo especializado externo, el cual, por medio de un software de gestión documental, consolida y encamina las metodologías, prácticas y normativas que influyen en el correcto ejercicio de protección de información.
Hay que tener en cuenta que los CAD son las dependencias encargadas netamente a los procesos propios de la gestión documental, es decir, en ellos se controla el manejo de la documentación desde su llegada hasta su disposición final. De igual modo, se establecen y se monitorean la adecuada aplicación de políticas y de normas, así como el cumplimiento de los procesos archivísticos en pro de la seguridad, integridad y confidencialidad de la información.
El objetivo de los CAD es garantizar la protección absoluta de los documentos que son puestos a su disposición.
La delegación del manejo de documentos a centros especializados, ayuda a optimizar y automatizar los procesos de relevancia de una empresa. Por ello, después de una revisión detallada de las necesidades del cliente, el proceso a aplicar con el Centro de Atención Documental se puede enfatizar en la administración de la correspondencia, custodia de archivos, digitalización de documentos, organización y categorización de archivos, destrucción técnica y/o recuperación de los archivos virtuales.
¿Cuál es el proceso a seguir?
DAC Administration, or Documentary Attention Centers, is a system in which all the processes and responsibilities related to the management, filing, administration and custody of a company’s important documents are delegated.
The entire process of handling and managing the documents made in the DAC is done by means of a specialized external team, which, through a document management software, consolidates and guides the methodologies, practices and regulations that influence the correct exercise of information protection.
DACs are the direct responsible dependencies for the processes of document management, which means they control the handling of the documentation from its arrival to its final disposal. In the same way, the adequate application of policies and standards is established and monitored, as well as compliance with archival processes in favor of security, integrity and confidentiality of information.
The objective of the DAC is to guarantee the absolute protection of the documents that are placed at your disposal.
The document management’s delegation to specialized centers can be helpfull to optimize and automate the company’s important processes. Therefore, after a detailed review of the client’s needs, the process to be applied with the Documentary Attention Center can be emphasized in the administration of correspondence, custody of files, digitalization of documents, organization and categorization of files, technical destruction and / or recovery of virtual files.
Benefits for the company
Having control over the information that enters and leaves your company guarantees transparency in the processes and in the realization of activities. Therefore, hiring the services of the Documentary Attention Centers will help you identify and protect your documentation.
All documental attention processes are born with a detailed analysis and an evaluation of the company, its structure, its models and ways of managing, creating and stabilizing the information. The aforementioned means that each case is handled in a personalized way. This helps to stabilize the creation of a matrix and to define their hierarchies.
That is why companies with high volume of documentation, which require optimizing the response times in the location of their documents or that need to go from a manual system to having everything online, are the most suitable to hire this service.
This means that:
- Considerably reduce your expenses.
- Optimize space.
- You can recover information immediately.
- Reduce your physical archive by 30%
- Virtualize your files.
- Carry out timely procedures in response to requests.
- Satisfactorily regain physical space.
Specialized Organization
Aspects to be taken into account of the Specialized Organization
Specialized Organization is a technical process which helps to keep all the documentation delegated, in a detailed classification and according to the company’s needs.
It is, also, a set of archival actions in the order and nurturing of the central matrix of the company’s favor, thus facilitating document’s search and location.
Specialized Organization is part of the methodologies and exercises for classifying, describing and archiving the documentation. In this way, it contributes to the correct handling and control of information.
Among the actions carried out in this process of document management, is the file’s classification, ordering and pressmark.
In the start with a process of reviewing the documents in order to separate them into classes or groups and their respective subdivisions. Everything is respecting the organic structure of the company and its needs.
Once the classification groups are structured, the process of document relation begins. This order can be alphabetic, numeric, alphanumeric or chronological.
Files get coded by symbols, which allow rapid identification within the classification groups.
How is it carried out within Document Management?
The Specialized Organization in document management processes can extend controls and the information’s adequate administration provided by the company on a daily basis.
To carry through all the processes related to Specialized Organization will help the company to determine points of revision and execution that allow to manage the documentation in an organized and coherent way with the anticipated needs in the company. To be able to carry out this procedure it is necessary to follow a series of steps that formalize the regulation in the handling of the information, these are:
Documents classification (archive or support):
As it has been explained, the order is the center of the whole documental process, it depends on the way in which the information has to be regulated and the dispositions that will be carried out.
There are two types of documents: archive and support, which concepts refer to:
Archive Documents:
These are characterized by registering relevant information that has been produced or received by the company, as are the activities or functions of administrative, financial, fiscal, scientific, historical or managerial value, among others. In other words, archival documents are those that, due to their importance for the company’s processes, deserve their total conservation.
Support Documents:
This documents contain general information that can be created in the company or in a different entity. The relevance is usually not that great, but its content can affect the realization of activities and processes. Within this category we can find laws, decrees, resolutions, instructions or manuals, which are characterized by documents that will lose validity at some point. Its destination is not the central file, but its care and handling are similar, in order to keep them safe until its depuration time.
To sort archival documents in series and subseries:
When carrying out the destination of the information, the classification, marking and ordering of the folders or their roots are executed in the case of electronic documents. At this point the document’s location is detailed in order to facilitate their visualization and revision.
This ordination is carried out thanks to the review of the information, which helps to establish through archival tools its availability and treatment over time, its relevance and its central and subordinate category. The aforementioned, maintaining the organizational structure of the documents.
With already defined categories, we proceed to review the information and its location conditions, which allows us to properly collect the documentary units that, as mentioned in the previous point, facilitate the information’s location, visualization and protection.
Keep in mind that the ordering can be done alphabetically, numerically, chronologically or geographically.
At this point the withdrawal of different documental units is carried out, the files whose relevance and validity are no longer required for the tasks and processes of the company. Those whose function does not directly or indirectly affect the processes and axes of the organization, such as the records or duplicates.
For the physical documents, the documental series and subseries are folded at the upper end of the folders, in order to identify the information’s antiquity. This process is carried out following the guide of the Archivo General de la Nación (AGN).
Document management matrices help identify and define the organization charts and final classifications of information, which allows the company to optimally specify its location, and thus have total control of the processes that are executed.
What benefits does it represent to the company?
The information’s correct handling represents an advance for the company’s optimization for tasks and the net processes, this mieans that Specialized Organization of the hand of experts, as our team of ATS can contribute to your company to:
- Keep the transparency in the documents use.
- Have ordered archives.
- Maintain and regulate reliable documental check standards.
- Simplify the information’s creation, edition and research process.
- Carry out procedures in a reliable and efficient way.
- Keep control over the documents entire cital cycle, from the beginning to its final disposal.
- Quick and organized access.
Organization under the AGN norm
Archivo General de la Nación and its normativity
The General Archive of the Nation (in spanish Archivo General de la Nación or AGN) is one of the most important public entities nationwide. Its main function is the conservation, protection and consultation of the country’s documental legacy. It also sets policies, rules and regulations that help ensure the proper use of information.
This entity of national order, attached to the Ministerio de Cultura, is the highest body responsible for regulating the policies for the treatment of archives. Therefore, it supervises and offers detailed information on everything related to the correct management and handling of information, in order to create effective protocols and standards.
Among the information it provides, there is the approach to specific programs. These are:
Normalization of electronic forms:
This depends on the analysis of existing documents in order to homogenize their use. This allows the creation of patterns that facilitate their identification and typology.
Vital or essential documents program:
It includes the review, identification, evaluation and preservation of documents that, under the parameters of the entities and companies, are considered important.
Electronic documents management program:
Its purpose is focused on the correct administration and monitoring of strategies that manage the document’s life cycle.
Decentralized archives program:
This type of files are those that are shared with a third party so that their administration can be carried out.
Retrography program:
The need for standardization in documents replication (photocopies, photographs and others) requires protocols to help control the files in their entirety.
Special documents program:
Graphic, sound or audiovisual documents are considered special documents. Therefore, the application of strategies to classify, order, preserve and describe the files facilitate the information’s effective access.
Training plan:
Its purpose is to promote learning in terms of document management. Directed to institutions or business personnel. This leads to an awareness of the proper information management in the company.
Audit program:
It focuses on the acocomplishment of inspection and control with procedures and policies within the framework of the internal management system.