The elimination of documents is considered by the experts, as one of the relevant procedures within the services and strategies raised from the documentary management, since it contributes to the orderly and hierarchical maintenance of the information and existing files. What are the advantages that you can appreciate your company thanks to its optimized execution? We will explain it to you next.
The documents and their correct conservation and categorization help companies considerably to automate processes, optimize time and resources, and increase development and productivity. The previous is possible thanks to the relevance of the information, logical and efficient operation of the companies. When this is clear, it is easy to decide on the implementation of a document management service; However, we must bear in mind that management is not only storage but also the elimination of documents whose life cycle has come to an end.
The concept:
In order to understand the advantages that the adequate execution can offer in regard to the elimination of documents, it is necessary to know the concept, let’s see:
The elimination or destruction of documents is the archival procedure in which those documents are debugged that after a valuation process has been determined that they have fulfilled their retention time and are considered irrelevant and that they do not represent any use for the company.
Document elimination:
Activity resulting from the final disposition indicated in the retention tables or documental valuation for those documents that have lost their primary and secondary values, without prejudice to keep their information in another place.
Do not forget that the elimination of documents is the product of archival instruments, where the primary and secondary values of the documentary series, priority level and maintenance times are established. In the same way, we can identify the steps to follow, as exemplified in the Documentary Retention Tables and in the Documentary Valuation Tables, in which the final disposition of each document is detailed.
As mentioned in advance, taking into account the importance and the administrative, legal and technical accounting values of the information in the business processes, as well as the utility of the same for the organizational procedures, time in its life cycle will be established.
Advantages of document removal:
- Space is released in physical storage, as well as the files are in the cloud.
- Keep the control of existing information by categories.
- It contributes to the update of the information.
- File management costs are reduced.
- In case the elimination in physical documents, digitization and format conversion are encouraged.
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Priority is given to useful information by the first and second levels for the company.
Remember that document management is an integral service in which the center is the conservation of information so that having clear processes can help you determine if your company is or not, complying with the rules and if you are in the road to continuous improvement.